How to Think like Sherlock Holmes ?

The Boring SuperHero
6 min readAug 7, 2020


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If you have a keen interest in reading detective novels or watching detective movies, then I’m pretty sure that you may have heard the name of Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock, also known as the ‘Master Detective’, is one of the most appreciated fictional character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

So today in this post, I’m going to give you four “Practical” tips, which, if you apply in your day to day life then soon you will be capable of thinking and observing things happening around you just like Sherlock Holmes.

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1) Start with Macro

If you have read the famous novels of Sherlock Holmes, or if you have watched the movies or series of Sherlock Holmes, then you must have seen how Sherlock Holmes observes anything and everything around him, even humans, to find and collect every possible data regarding them. In simple terms, you can say that Sherlock Holmes always focuses on micro details and observes them, which is definitely not possible for you as a beginner if you have the desire to be like Sherlock Holmes.

Instead of that, what you can do as a beginner is that you can start the observing and deducing journey with macro objects. Now if you don’t know what macro objects are then let me make it clear that any object that is clearly visible to the human eye without any external gadget under normal circumstances is referred as a ‘Macro object’.

For example; next time when you visit your friend’s house, you can observe the macro details like the color of the curtains, the position of the TV, table or the couch, etc.

When you’ll practice observing macro objects, you’ll soon become an expert in it, and once you become an expert in it then you can switch your observation from macro to micro.

2) Ask ‘Why’

We humans are a community species, which means that we are genetically evolved to live in groups or societies, and like every other creature who lives in group, we too possess a quality that is inbuilt in us, and that is ‘Trust’.

The Trust factor is solely responsible for the reason why we don’t use the word ‘why’ very often in our day to day conversations. For example; if you friend asks you to go on a long drive with him then I’m pretty sure that you’ll definitely ask “where are we going?”, but, if the same friend offers you some snacks, then the chances are very high that you’ll never ask “why should I eat it?”

On the other hand, the thinking of Sherlock is very different from you. Every stuff that happens with him or if someone says him something, then the first word that pops in his mind is ‘Why’, “why did he say that?”, “why did it happen”, etc.

If you have the desire to develop your mind like Sherlock Holmes, then you need to start asking ‘why’ more often in your day to day activities.

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3) Use all 5 Senses

Now that we are discussing about human psychology then this is also a fact that we humans cannot use all our five senses simultaneously at the same time. You can only focus on one sense organ at a time, while the other senses would be working in the background subconsciously. For example; if you are munching up on something while watching TV, then there is a very high chance that you’ll not focus on the taste of the food.

On the other hand, Sherlock Holmes doesn’t function like that. He manages to keep all his senses active all the time. Even if you give him a single piece of paper, he will first visually analyse it, then he’ll try to listen to it, then smell it, then feel it and finally he’ll taste it. By using all of his senses at the same time, he assures that he doesn’t miss any detail which may be helpful for him.

Now I know this very well that this method seems a little weird and pretty hard to practice in real life, but still I insist you to try this atleast once.

4) Visit your Mind Palace

One of the many weird things about Sherlock Holmes is his Mind Palace. The Mind Palace is nothing but an imaginary library inside Sherlock’s head where he stores all his memories, and he visits this place whenever he needs solutions for his questions.

So, the final tip which I can give you to be like Sherlock Holmes is to create a Mind Palace for yourself, and visit the palace atleast once in a day.

The process of creating and visiting a Mind Palace is simple: every night, before you go to sleep go to a quiet place, close your eyes and try to recall every single and small incident that you’re a part of throughout that day. Practising the Mind palace technique regularly will not only make you as smart as Sherlock Holmes, but it will also help to sharpen your memory upto an unimaginable level.

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So these were the four steps which you need to follow strictly if you want to be as smart as Sherlock Holmes and think like him. If you liked this post then do SHARE it with others and also let me know in the comments if you have any other tip which you want to add to it.

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